Friday 21 November 2008

Narrative Coursework 1: Part 2: One Shot Film

This is my one shot film, where we had to do some sort of meeting without using camera movements, expect one. We had a camera man called Daryl, and the idea we had was thought up by the group, the idea was to have a meeting at the vending machine, for example a queue with a person taking a long time to choose something.
So in a way we were meeting with the vending machine, this followed the brief since with such a wide title as “The Meeting” this could suggest anything.
We wanted to be different from other groups by not just doing something everyone does, for example a meeting in office or something around that.
So we decided on a meeting with a object like a lift or cash machine, but in the end we decided that a vending machine would be more interesting.
Many movies or shows have used objects/machines to have voices, for example “Doctor Who” whenever they travel to a different planet or future
(example cash machines talk) or “Terminator” where machines have minds of there own.

The idea was well thought since we didn’t need to worry about sound because we were going mute the sound and add music, as well as voice over’s for people and machine’s thoughts.
Everyone did their own music, edits, voice over’s though, for example for mine,
I wanted make it contain at least a fragment of hilarity so I used voice over’s from "Full Metal Alchemist" for the thoughts of myself, the reason for this is because the anime has a great number of funny moments.

The second person Zhino, I needed a conversation on the phone, this was extremely difficult since searching through Youtube was weird, for examples I searched phone calls, I couldn’t get a decent phone conversation. I ended up with prank calls, which were mainly guys, or I ended up with girls being annoying with weird voices, but after looking for a hour i ended up with a decent funny prank which seems to suit well I believe.

For the Last person in the Queue I needed music that wouldn’t be expected to be heard by Eric, so I used a "High School Musical" song which worked out well in my opinion.
I had a lot of ideas for the music though because I listen to a range mixture of music, so I didn’t have a difficulties with this.

The Final thoughts I needed to do was for the machine, this wasn’t hard with the amount of machine voices that exist in movies, shows, animes today. I knew a lot of that had machines for example, “Terminator” etc. Although I ended up using “Transformers“, after buying the DVD I got inspired for the voice over’s to make it funny, for example a robot vending machine!!.
The song played throughout was a anime song “Tenchi Muyo- Memories“, this fitted excellent I believe because its a calm song which went well with the queuing up.

I had a lot of fun editing this video even though filming was a challenge, couldn’t move the camera expect once for a one shot film. I would also think this would have to be my best project I have done at university so far, comparing to my homework assignments and my previous coursework “Pixilation“.

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