Wednesday 25 November 2009

Barking- Finally Filmed

Well my group and I filmed the Barking play today and it was a good experience working with professional actors.
At the start things started going wrong and we ended up being late on filming, but we soon turned it around when started filming scenes. As the Location Manager my role on set was just to make sure everyone was safe and perform the the tasks on the risk assessment sheet.

My second role was lighting which we didn't need expect in a few scenes, for example the fridge scene which needed light and green filters to make a spooky feel to it.
And there was some scenes which we needed to pretend it was night so bounced a light off the ceiling to make this feeling while the curtains was closed.

I was also the Runner even though I didn't originally plan to be, or thought was needed, I had to go buy flour for a prop in one our scenes.

All went well and looking forward to the final edits of our filming which will be really good.

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